Daily Archives: November 5, 2015

Prayer, A Powerful Thing…

Screenshot_2015-11-05-21-52-53The preparations of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.” –Proverbs 16:1

There were once days in my life that would pass so quickly, so barely noticeable that I was welcome to wake up and find the next calendar date, not knowing at all what had transpired in my life other than a moment of sleep and long hours of work. These two bookends were separated by life-threatening drives home and reflective rides to work. I often prayed that God would deliver from this living hell, dead or alive.


That was then, this is now.! My days are much different now.

When we give everything over to the Lord, it’s amazing how fast and quickly the world around us can change.

There’s not a day now that doesn’t pass without another miraculous, amazing, God-like event or moment occurring in my life. This past week was like so many others, one story after another unfolding before us shaping us into who we are and what we will become.

Like this day I’m about to share.

The young woman pulled up hurriedly in a little red pickup as if she might be in a rush to deliver something. I walked toward the door of the Trail to see who it was or what it might be getting delivered. It was then that I recognized the young lady. A couple months ago, she and her boyfriend had dropped by to talk about helping us out at the Trail by donating some lumber to help us repair the bleachers at the Bocce courts. During their visit, I had shared with them my testimony about coming to the Trail. I had not heard from them since and as it often goes, I had wondered if my words had found a place in their hearts or if I had said something to keep them away. In a small way, I had prayed for God to help them if they needed it and if it was His will, to send them back; and here she stood.

She began to share with me that she had returned and that she wanted to help, that she was being led to do something at the Trail. It was almost as if God was pressing on her in order to demand her to do His will, yet she didn’t know how or why. We sat and talked for quite a while and discussed opportunities we had available at the Trail.

Yet, there seemed to be something else, something more that she couldn’t express.

As we continued our conversation, as we walked back to the parking lot, she asked me what it was that she could do to find peace. For some reason, my mind was blocking out what I really wanted to say. For some reason, God knew that there was another purpose for her being here. All I could recall to offer her for support was to pray, read her Bible and to put away all the distractions in her life. The sincerity with which she evoked her emotions made me feel more than inadequate. She had shared with me how my testimony had awakened in her a burning desire to serve the Lord, but she didn’t know how. I shared with her that she might want to visit the prayer service that was being held that night over at the River of Life Church. Pastor King had began a prayer service after he was feeling led to do so. I had yet to go to the service, but knew when it started, which I shared with her. As she drove off, I wondered to myself what purpose I was serving in my life now. What beacon of light was the Trail really becoming? As I walked back into the building, it hit me like a ton of bricks, the fact that I had failed to witness to her, something I had more than wanted to do. Here I had blown the perfect opportunity, yes, the perfect opportunity. How else could she receive peace but to find Christ into her life!

I drove home that evening, thinking how God had sent someone to me to witness too and I had been unable to speak. As I drove around the corner and past the church, I prayed that God might find a way to send her to the there tonight, and if possible, I would go. It had been a long day, and when I got home, the bed was already calling. The 4:30 am start that previous morning was wearing on me. As I lay down in bed after eating supper, I felt as if I could easily drift off to sleep, but something wouldn’t allow me to do so. Something, or someone, said, “Get up and go pray.” So I did.

I arrived early at the prayer service. There was nobody else in the parking lot except me. I walked in and sat on the front row with my Pocket Testament League book of John and my Bible in hand. I began reading passages as my mind would drift from one scripture to the next, praying in between readings as I went, each time praying about things, people and needs in my life and then praying that God might send the young woman here tonight so that we might have another chance to help her in her search for God.

I prayed like I have never done before; intense life changing prayer.

Time passed, my recollection of it was incomprehensible. After what seemed like an eternity I paused and tried to clear my head.

Then I looked up toward the alter …and there she was.

God had answered prayer once more.

She had brought a friend, and together, they were filling out prayer slips to place on the prayer wall. I silently thanked God for his answer and waited for them to come back from the wall. It was then that I welcomed them and the young lady introduced her friend. We briefly talked about their finding the church and it was then that I offered to pray over them, which they accepted. We went to the alter and I shared with them the witnessing I had failed to do earlier that day. As we finished praying, I realized that the young woman who had been at the Trail had known the word I spoke, for she had once accepted Christ into her life. God had purposely held my tongue knowing that I alone was not going to be able to break through. It was then I realized my need for assistance. Thankfully, the pastor’s wife was standing ready to move in and it was then I saw and felt the Holy Spirit move through us all, all four of us as we brought two people to Christ that night. There was a trembling of the earth as sins were washed away. Yes, God was moving in our lives and it was like riding a runaway chariot down the side of a mountain, with God at the reigns!

Before leaving, I handed the young lady the gospel of John I had used to pray with that night, offering it to her to use from this point forward. At least now, it felt right.

Yes, it was just another day at the Trail, one more to carry in my heart forever more.

Yes, just another day.

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