Monthly Archives: July 2012

The Thief called Time…

“If you could float on the air of the earth, as if tides of unknown seas, perhaps you would understand, why I act like me.” – Timothy W. Tron, from my High School Days.

As a member of the cross-country and track teams, I was what they called a “Distance Runner”. I loved to get out on the open road and see how far my legs could carry me. There were times when I was in the moment and would look down at my churning legs and wonder how amazing it was that they were down there propelling me along the road, while I barely had to breathe to make it happen. Back then, it would take what now is my maximum distance just to hit my stride, five or six miles. Yet, back then, youth held no boundaries physically; I was only limited to what bounds I mentally placed upon myself. A long run on Sunday might consist of a twenty something mile run, which is more than I can do in a week at this time.

Today, it’s a different story. As I am now just beginning to reawaken the runner inside of me, I realize that I am trapped in a body that is physically much older than those high school days. As I strain in the heat, breathe heavy, legs feeling like they are lead weights, my mind wants to go faster, my spirit wants to soar, yet the constraints of time have bound me to this terrestrial constraint. Will I ever regain those days when there is no pain, only the free feeling of flight? I don’t know, but with each passing day, I now realize that time is a thief. It comes sneaking up, always present, never abating. Each journey out onto the road brings the realization that I have to listen more closely to the engine within.Yet, each time I regain a step or two where there are brief instances of that long ago time….ecstasy of earthbound flight.

Yes, time is a thief, but its also a wise teacher. This much I know.

I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. – Ecclesiastes 9:11

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Book Update #2….Off to the Printer we go…..

Book Update #2….Off to the Printer we go…...

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Book Update #2….Off to the Printer we go…..

We are now officially off to the printer.

I’m going big and having faith that I’m being led to do so. Yes, we are having 3,000 soft-cover books printed.

Why? Several reasons, but I’ll suffice it to say, the last person that read from the book, while I gladly waited, was asked, “What do you feel?” To which she replied,”Go Big!!!”

My publisher asked me as well before we closed on the decision about where, what, when and how I was going to distribute the book. I started rattling off the latest schedule, which did not have the full slate that it does now, at that time. He didn’t hesitate after the first few comments to go ahead with brainstorming on avenues to make it happen. He seemed to feel it as well.

So now, we are days away from the end of the Kickstarter project,….still trying to teach folks what Kickstarter is and does, while in the back of my mind knowing I can’t wait for Aug. 10th, the release date.

Why? Again I have to ask myself is it really happening, because the first day after the book is release, Aug. 11th, I will be in Valdese NC. attending the 37th Annual Waldensian Festival with my own booth for the first official book signing. This may be insignificant to most, but it is one of the first Waldensian settlements to arrive in the New World, and wound up only being a couple hours from my current home. In addition, they have become a valuable resource of information from which to draw not only knowledge but inspiration for the book.

So, ready or not… we go.

Like a friend of mine who use to be in the Marines use to say, “Better reach down and hold on tight, this could get wild!!”

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Forebearance of Consternation….

ImageAs I sat on the tractor this morning mowing the pastures around the house, I couldn’t help to think that this was going to be anything but another ordinary day. As each mowed row passed, the sweet smell of freshly cut grasses and aromatic weeds mixed with the smell of diesel fumes to create a cacophany of odors that wafted into the consciousness. I rarely look forward to going to the doctor, dentist or bank. This morning was no different, yet it was a necessity in order to take the next step toward preparing for the eventual and hopeful book sales that were quickly approaching the horizon unlike this mornings sun, that was quickly making haste to rise to the apex of its daily path.

Time soon passed for when I had hoped to have already been at my irreverant destination. Begrudgingly I left the comfort of the mechanical seat upon which I rode, leaving more weeds to cut for another day, and went inside to gather the items I would need for the unplanned appointment. I figured if I couldn’t get in today, then it would be his will. In fact, the entire morning I was pretty much just doing what flowed, not imparting any personal preferences, rather allowing the knowing of what had to be done carry the day.

A seemingly short ride later I found myself in the parking lot of the bank. It was not yet noon, but the heat was already oppressive. It would at least be a brief respit from the glaring blaze of the sun to sit inside the coolness of the bank. One thing can be said for doctor’s offices and banks, they are both exceptionally cool, albeit one is a bit more uncomfortable than the other when your backside is hanging out one of those outfits made for half a person. Fortunately, banks don’t require such clothing.

To my surprise, I was able to quickly go into the office of the person that was going to be able to take care of my needs. Also to my surprise, the person that I had dealt with on recent financial matters was no longer with the bank. Both became opportunities for the wonderful encounter that I was about to experience. Had the previous person been available, I would had likely been meeting with them and never came to the realization that was about to unfold.

As we sat down and began to discuss the reason for which I was there, I began to describe the book and why I would need the new account. It was like turning a lamp on in a darkened room. The more I described and spoke about the novel, the brighter the radiance became to the point, it became apparent the message and Holy spirit was at work. We eagerly discussed the needs and appropriate items the account would need and then shared fellowship and scripture.

It was like no other banking experience I had ever known, and was definitely a blessing I had not envisioned.

After we were all done and I had walked outside to leave, I had to stop and take inventory of my thoughts, so overwhelmed with the excitement of coming possibilites and the feeling of this journey I’m on that is just starting to take hold…breathe….think.

The heat was still there and growing but felt good as I walked back to the car to leave.

I think I need to do banking more often….at least at this bank.

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Book Update…

I finished what will  hopefully be the last of the proof editing last night around 2:00 AM. The cover and galley had come back with two minor errors in each. Unfortunately, they had to be corrected and turned back in for corrections. This means that I will have to receive the edited proofs back Monday and finally approve them, once and for all.

What does all this mean?

I will have a printed book ready for public distribution on my new release date of Aug. 10th, one day after the Kickstarter project. Although I will have limited funds without a successful Kickstarter project, I will still be going ahead with publishing, just on a limited basis. There will not be any money for prints or note cards from the cover art until either the Kickstarter is successful or I have obtained enough sales of the book to help cover those costs.

I have tentative plans to start my book signing/reading at  one of the closest places of inspiration for the book, Valdese NC. Aug. 10-11th is their Waldensian Festival, which is held each year. This will be my first time being able to attend the festival, and some what making the journey of 18 years research full circle. I can’t describe to you how wonderful this will be. Regardless if I am approved to sell my book through the Waldensian Museum there in Valdese or not, just to start the journey there, the place that helped form the ideas  behind the book, will be a dream come true.

There are also plans underway to continue the journey the following weekend when I will be traveling to Auburn Alabama to attend my unofficially adopted niece’s wedding. We are trying to arrange, and yes I would love any suggestions, book signing/readings along the way. I would like to find something around Atlanta for Friday night and something for Saturday night in Auburn if possible. I would also be more than happy to speak to any groups or congregations about what the theological inspiration themes were written into the book.

I had a wonderful fellowship this morning at the Chatham Mills Farmers Market with a military chaplain and his family. I shared with them that I now feel like I am standing on the edge of an abyss where I’m about to step off into the unknown, with my faith being the only thing I can be assured of holding up the next footstep. Yes, it has become more than just a book, it has become a calling….

Let the light shine in the darkness, Lux Lucent in Tenebris….

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Where is Your Heart…


“Yes, my son, the angels speak to us often, and with our hearts in the right place, we can hear them. Never forget to keep God in your heart, for if you don’t, you will find the day you quit hearing them speak to you.”

quote from Bruecke To Heaven by Timothy W. Tron

Having just submitted the final galley proof for the book, I am now left with the vacuum of emotion that remains. I can’t help feeling as if I’m standing on the edge of a great chasm, where there is nothing be emptiness beyond, an expectation of unknown things to come. I fear not for I have faith to lift me up, yet, it’s exciting knowing that there is and adventure about to begin.

Its seems that many times in my life I have been clipped and kept down to earth. When I was growing up, in order to keep the chickens from being able to escape their fenced in area, we would clip them by cutting the long feathers off of one wing. This would keep them grounded where we could more easily provide for their safety inside their enclosure. My clipping has been from the virtual aspect, whereby either circumstances or responsibilities have kept me grounded. There is nothing wrong with being well grounded, but sometimes we should be allowed to be set free with our visions and see how far they go. In this case, its the journey that the book will provide.

If it is successful, then its God’s will. I am not looking beyond what he provides, rather taking it one day at a time and being blessed by each new discovery the mission provides. In my opinion, the success or failure will not be measured by how many books are sold but rather how many lives are touched and hearts lifted up  by it. May the light of the Word be a beacon to all.

This is the journey…let it begin.

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The Journey Within…

The Journey Within….

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The Journey Within…

I think there comes a time in everyone’s life when they realize they are on or about to embark upon a journey. But before you can really, truelly start any journey, you must first decide in your heart and soul that it is what you must do. Wether its a trip across the country or taking those steps forward to the altar to accept Him into your heart, each one takes a decision to initiate the movement onward. Thus, I now stand on the precipice of change, looking forward toward a new journey, one that I do not know where it will lead, only that I am ready and have taken that first foostep.

I have been asked if this is just another failed venture, something I will lanquish in for years, not having succeeded well at anything. To this I have to answer that life is the journey of sometimes seemingly failed ventures but like anything, nothing ventured is nothing gained. So be it now. One will never know if all they do is sit on the sideline and speculate about why something will or won’t work, while others take the chance.

God has blessed my life in so many ways and now, this book is just another example of how he has worked through me, in spite of myself, as the words sometimes would pour forth from whence I knew not. The pages turned often felt as if a hand was directing the lines, even when I had the plot already planned. Thus, whether it becomse another failed venture or actually  touches someone’s heart ..well, I guess only the good Lord knows…and time will tell. My Bruecke to Heaven has been built and now I’m ready to venture across…God Bless us all.

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Changing Tides…


I can feel it. The pull like the undertow in the ocean, tickling my toes as the sand retreats with it. I do not fear the change, but alas, I know its coming. God told David not to fear, but to take solace in knowing that his God was with him. So must we all. As we step forward into the unknown, we should take comfort in these words. I try my best to do so. However, unlike so many times before, I can sense the change this time. It’s like grabbing onto the end of the rope you have just thrown around the neck of a 500 lb. steer, who is headed in the opposite direction. That initial shock of power that is about to drag you across the ground is more than you expected. The adrenaline rush that makes your mind race as you search for something, anything solid to tie off too before the end of the rope arrives: feet sliding, lungs gasping for breath. Now unlike then, I’m getting the sense of that magnitude beforehand. The time before I was able to tie off to the bumper of the old 77 Chevy with six inches of rope to spare. What will it take this time to hold on to the tail of the tiger as the race begins..? Heaven only knows, but I pray the Lord will give me the strength to deliver his Word…afterall, what I do, I do for him.

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by | July 4, 2012 · 2:07 am

Debilitation of ponderance…

I have now fully engaged the family in this Kickstarter project creation. Although I should be use to it by now, I keep getting this,”Have you lost your mind?” look. I asked the kids to watch a few of the videos to get an idea of what and how we should format one to use in the project. To my surprise, they immediately responded with versions they had already seen at their school as part of the book fair. Needless to say, I’m already behind when it comes to the learning curve. When asked if they had any thoughts, they were mum until I threw out a few suggestions I had. Again, they came back with more surprises. They felt the need for more flash and explosions in the video!!! I had to laugh of course. We obviously differ in our perspective, but like all things, I have to take what they say with a grain of salt. Afterall, you never know when their wildest dreams may become reality. When they do, I want to be there too.

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