Daily Archives: August 22, 2016

Leviathan Dreams…

The darkness surrounded me. sinkhole

I was somewhere deep in a rain forest standing before a hole that had somehow opened up on the floor of the jungle. Perhaps an ancient sinkhole had formed and over time, filled back in with water.

Why am I here,” I asked myself.

An ancient tree grew along the upper rim of the watery depth that lay before me. Its roots twisted and turned from centuries of growth winding in and out of the earth and rock ledge which hung precariously above the hole where the clear water beckoned. The trunk of the tree disappeared into the mist above the labyrinth of foliage from where nothing returned, the sounds of cries echoed from its shadowed terror. I felt a multitude of eyes watching from beyond the border of leaves which kept the darkness at bay.

Before I knew it, I was submerged into the abyss swimming into deeper and darker haunted corners. What lay ahead beyond that murky brine of life; I could not tell but felt an urge to go onward, farther, deeper into the unfathomable pit.

Then the thought came to mind, “What if this is the home of the Rahab of old?” Suddenly, fear of the deadly monster appearing from the bottomless depths caused my heart to jolt. My heartbeat thumped in my ears as I tried to calm myself. “There’s no such thing,” I tried to reason. “It was defeated by God during the creation, it’s gone…gone forever.”

The water was losing its light as silt began to cloud the scene before me. Something was disturbing the environment; something massive.

The image passed by before I could catch a glimpse; its body the color of the aquatic surroundings, a perfect camouflage. The sullen void quickly enveloped the image. The last trace was the massive tail fin that swooshed past me with such force, the wake nearly rolled me over. My source of oxygen was constantly a concern, but I never surfaced. My fear was only of the beast that now eluded my horrified gaze.

Black limbs and roots created a maze that illumination from the world above was barely able to penetrate as I swam on trying to regain the leviathan’s presence. “Why was I searching for something so fearful, when all I had to do was climb back to the world above?

Yet, I continued on.

When all hopes of finding the enormous fish seemed to be lost, there was the feeling of being watched come over me; the one that crawls across the back of your neck and into your soul.

It was suddenly there; appearing before me out of the nothingness.leviathan

I kicked to propel myself skyward, back to my own world, back to the surface to replenish my lungs; lungs that were now void of all air as I screamed useless bubbles of horror. Below me, the mouth of the massive fish now encompassed both my legs as he began to swallow me whole.

I could feel the pull of the suction from its throat pull me down.

There was no escape; I had gone too far.

Why was I here,” the voice screamed in my head?

It was then I awoke to the gray light of day streaming in from the forest outside.

I was still alive.

It was then that I realized I had been holding my breath. My lungs exhaled just in time to take in another breath as if I were preparing to dive back in.

I rolled over and tried to let it go. The feeling of the fish loomed before me. My mind drifted off, but not before I was pulled back in, back below into the depths of that which has no name.

Sleep did not come gently.

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Filed under Pure Fiction, Visions