I think there comes a time in everyone’s life when they realize they are on or about to embark upon a journey. But before you can really, truelly start any journey, you must first decide in your heart and soul that it is what you must do. Wether its a trip across the country or taking those steps forward to the altar to accept Him into your heart, each one takes a decision to initiate the movement onward. Thus, I now stand on the precipice of change, looking forward toward a new journey, one that I do not know where it will lead, only that I am ready and have taken that first foostep.
I have been asked if this is just another failed venture, something I will lanquish in for years, not having succeeded well at anything. To this I have to answer that life is the journey of sometimes seemingly failed ventures but like anything, nothing ventured is nothing gained. So be it now. One will never know if all they do is sit on the sideline and speculate about why something will or won’t work, while others take the chance.
God has blessed my life in so many ways and now, this book is just another example of how he has worked through me, in spite of myself, as the words sometimes would pour forth from whence I knew not. The pages turned often felt as if a hand was directing the lines, even when I had the plot already planned. Thus, whether it becomse another failed venture or actually touches someone’s heart ..well, I guess only the good Lord knows…and time will tell. My Bruecke to Heaven has been built and now I’m ready to venture across…God Bless us all.