Forebearance of Consternation….

ImageAs I sat on the tractor this morning mowing the pastures around the house, I couldn’t help to think that this was going to be anything but another ordinary day. As each mowed row passed, the sweet smell of freshly cut grasses and aromatic weeds mixed with the smell of diesel fumes to create a cacophany of odors that wafted into the consciousness. I rarely look forward to going to the doctor, dentist or bank. This morning was no different, yet it was a necessity in order to take the next step toward preparing for the eventual and hopeful book sales that were quickly approaching the horizon unlike this mornings sun, that was quickly making haste to rise to the apex of its daily path.

Time soon passed for when I had hoped to have already been at my irreverant destination. Begrudgingly I left the comfort of the mechanical seat upon which I rode, leaving more weeds to cut for another day, and went inside to gather the items I would need for the unplanned appointment. I figured if I couldn’t get in today, then it would be his will. In fact, the entire morning I was pretty much just doing what flowed, not imparting any personal preferences, rather allowing the knowing of what had to be done carry the day.

A seemingly short ride later I found myself in the parking lot of the bank. It was not yet noon, but the heat was already oppressive. It would at least be a brief respit from the glaring blaze of the sun to sit inside the coolness of the bank. One thing can be said for doctor’s offices and banks, they are both exceptionally cool, albeit one is a bit more uncomfortable than the other when your backside is hanging out one of those outfits made for half a person. Fortunately, banks don’t require such clothing.

To my surprise, I was able to quickly go into the office of the person that was going to be able to take care of my needs. Also to my surprise, the person that I had dealt with on recent financial matters was no longer with the bank. Both became opportunities for the wonderful encounter that I was about to experience. Had the previous person been available, I would had likely been meeting with them and never came to the realization that was about to unfold.

As we sat down and began to discuss the reason for which I was there, I began to describe the book and why I would need the new account. It was like turning a lamp on in a darkened room. The more I described and spoke about the novel, the brighter the radiance became to the point, it became apparent the message and Holy spirit was at work. We eagerly discussed the needs and appropriate items the account would need and then shared fellowship and scripture.

It was like no other banking experience I had ever known, and was definitely a blessing I had not envisioned.

After we were all done and I had walked outside to leave, I had to stop and take inventory of my thoughts, so overwhelmed with the excitement of coming possibilites and the feeling of this journey I’m on that is just starting to take hold…breathe….think.

The heat was still there and growing but felt good as I walked back to the car to leave.

I think I need to do banking more often….at least at this bank.

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