Drink Up…

Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”-John 4:13-14

The spring of the year seems to heighten our awareness of the world around us in so many ways. Walking outside the door this morning after the night’s rain, there was a freshness to the crisp air that brushed past the tiny pink blossoms of the bushes blooming in the front yard. The birds were welcoming as well as the dawning of the day had yet to reach its horizon. There was a sense of urgency, a sense of something to come; everything being so vibrant and alive, at least to those who are in the frame of mind to recognize it. If you have sipped of the well of everlasting life, there is something special about days like this. Please don’t take this sort of rejoicing as someone trying to sound overly righteous, it is simply an exhaltation of the glory of the Father.

Oh, magnify the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together.”-Psalms 34-3

Sadly, many will not care or will not bother to take the time to notice. Their minds are clouded with the frusttrations and worries facing them in the coming days as they madly dash for the car, expecting it to start and be on their way before the ignition switch is even turned. They continually drink from the resevoir of the secular world where the water jug is never big enough to hold all the fluid to sustain their family. They continally try to seek ways to bring bigger and stronger storage jugs to the well in which to carry back the fluid that only provides momentary satisfaction, then it is gone as quickly as it passes their lips. There is never any sweetness to their life. They seek to fill the void with one worldy substitute after another. Some turn to addictions that never produce the peace they seek until they ultimately find their life lost to the very thing they used to replace God; their worldly obsessions.

We all fall short of the glory of God, but we can become one with the Father if we only seek to drink from the well of His sustenance.

The water from the well analogy is purposeful in that we often seek what cannot sate our insatiable desires.

Once we choose to drink from the water of life everlasting, suddenly the world in which we live takes on an entirely new meaning. Our eyes become opened to untold beauty we beforehand had hurridly passed in the race to achieve more,… day-after-day. It when we begin to drink in the nectar of life as God had intended. Glimpses of heaven on earth begin to tug at our heart strings. We cannot share the pictures before us quickly enough before they are gone; the fleeting clouds rimmed with sunlight so brilliant, it is as if angels are standing behind them praising at the very foot of God almighty; sweet moments of the song bird, serenading in a chorus of blissful melodies at the break of dawn; skies so blue, their very essence substantiates the presence of God watching over us all.

Yes, there is a dipper of liquid so refreshing you will never need another sip, for the rest of your life.

It is up to us to choose to take it.

Knock and the door will be opened.

Seek and yea shall find.

Choose Jesus.

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