Debilitation of ponderance…

I have now fully engaged the family in this Kickstarter project creation. Although I should be use to it by now, I keep getting this,”Have you lost your mind?” look. I asked the kids to watch a few of the videos to get an idea of what and how we should format one to use in the project. To my surprise, they immediately responded with versions they had already seen at their school as part of the book fair. Needless to say, I’m already behind when it comes to the learning curve. When asked if they had any thoughts, they were mum until I threw out a few suggestions I had. Again, they came back with more surprises. They felt the need for more flash and explosions in the video!!! I had to laugh of course. We obviously differ in our perspective, but like all things, I have to take what they say with a grain of salt. Afterall, you never know when their wildest dreams may become reality. When they do, I want to be there too.

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