Daily Archives: January 22, 2025

Seeking Him

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”

– Matthew 7:7-8

“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”

– Matthew 21:22


“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”

– Jeremiah 29:13

“In all the ways that I love thee Lord, let me count the ways”

– Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The dim light reflects in the dark mahogany depths of my coffee mug as spirited vapors swirl upward while my hands grasp the warmth of the essence within, encouraging the words that speak to me from the letters on the page written so many centuries before. In them, as with the steam from the cup, there lies a spiritual essence of God speaking to us if only we recognize its presence. For the question that presents itself this morning in so many different ways is this,

“What do we seek in life?” Do we seek God in all things, or does it take a philharmonic orchestra and fireworks to stir us enough to entreat a momentary thought? Or do we take the time to meditate in prayer, listening to that still small voice for discernment? Might we search for the precious crumb of Godliness in the most minute detail of our lives, whether inanimate or alive, not finding Him literally in those things but finding his fingerprints, the forensic remnants of the Master’s hand upon his creation?

Walking amongst the scenic boughs of the forested landscape, it’s easy to encompass one’s thoughts about a Creator, especially when backlit by a vibrant sunrise or sunset. It takes an extra level of focus, however, to find something transcendent in the daily grind we call life. My eyes often grow weary reading code as it scrolls down the screen, one line of numbers and text after another – it can become overwhelmingly hypnotic, to the point you can literally forget to leave your chair for hours. Yet, you must be able to press the brake pedal and sit back, and like the circus juggler spinning multiple pates upon the end of long pool cue-like sticks, for an instant relish in the moment, realizing that through all the multitude of monitors, various automated scrolling windows, and flashing icons all vying for your attention, there is something magnificent at work. From the tiniest beginning of computing, the single bit, to the vastness of the implications of AI, there has to be something working through us, something that drives mankind to pursue the development of technology beyond what we might be able to control. It is in this reflection that we might find, as with the sunrises bursting through the distant tree line, that we are not the masters of our realm any more than the sand crab is of his shell. We exist because He hath made us, and not of ourselves. When we seek Him in all things, we find that there are expanses of vastness while infinitesimally small nanoparticles that keep the brightest scientist challenged to understand. It is as if God unveils one little wrinkle of His infinite being, one minuscule particle at a time. To mankind, they become life-changing discoveries. Meanwhile, you can almost hear God laugh.

Today, take the time to pause and reflect, seeking God in even the most obscure item. Although it might seem elusive, be patient, and perhaps you will find that door upon which to knock, that it might be opened into a deeper love of the Father. God is always there waiting for us to seek Him; all we have to do is awaken to this realization and find a life beyond expectations.

Seek Him with all your heart and soul, and you will be blessed beyond measure.

Thanks be to God.

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